FabLearn Asia 2015



Key Challenges in Digital Fabrication for 21st Century Education


This conference has ended.



The two­day event will feature opportunities to reflect on the best practices for education in this new era of digital fabrication.Together with frontline researchers and practitioners, participants will deepen their understanding of the current state of the industry, based on past and emerging policy changes in American STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) education. In Japan and throughout the countries of Asia, future development will require blended skills and mastery of programming, electronics and circuit design, and handling of several manufacturing machines such as 3D printers and laser cutters. Sharing leading scholarship from various countries, we hope to broaden knowledge that will create a better environment for learning inside and outside of our respective countries. Holding this first international conference in Japan can help solidify a “Maker Education for the Next Generation”, building a future Asia of many nations, including Japan. We anticipate participation, sharing, contributions, and outcomes that will lead to even more cutting edge experimental projects to develop this new educational imperative.

FabLearn Asia 2015


Program Dates : ​December 12 ­ 13, 2015 (Sat/Sun)

     Dec 12th Sat  :10:30 - 17:30 (Open Door:10:00)

             Dec 13th Sun :10:00 - 17:30 (Open Door:9:30)

Venue​ : Yokohama Port Commemoration Center

1-6 Honcho, Naka Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa Prefecture

Zip Code : 231-0005


Total Number of participants : ​400 

Hosted by ​        Keio University Social Fabrication Lab

Co­Hosted by Stanford University


Supported by    City of Yokohama

Collaborators  Yokohama Community Design Lab 

Language : ​English / Japanese





DATE : Dec 12th Start 19:00 - 21:00 



December 12  [Sat]

10:00 - 10:30     Registration 

10:30 - 10:45     Conference Welcome & Introduction 

10:45 - 11:15     Opening keynote : Reinventing Hands on Learning in K-12

                          Paulo Blikstein (Standford University)

11:15 - 11:40     Special Speech#1 : Looking beyond the digital world: the joy of designing

                          Managu Tago (Art Director and Designer)

11:40 - 12:00     Special Speech#2 :

                          How to design an educational environment to inspire today's youth:

                           programming education for junior high and high school students

                          Yuta Komori (Life is Tech)

12:15 - 12:30     Open Education


12:30 - 13:15     LUNCH Bento Box is included with 2days & 1day Ticket

13:15 - 15:15     Workshops :  you can make a reservation if you want to join specific one.

                          #1 Introduction to 3D Modeling - Fusion360 for Beginners  (Room No.4)

                          #2 Introduction to 2D Design - Laser Cutting for Beginners (Room No.3)

                          #3 Building Robots for Beginners: FabBot (Rooom No.5)

                          #4 MESH Workshop :Programming and hacking the real world (Room No.9)

                          #5 AgIC CANVAS Workshop Guide (Room No.9)

                          #6 Presentation (Room No.6)  on going session 

                               The status quo and foresight of Technology Education in Japanese School Educational System

                               Chairman :Kazuo KADOTA(Miyagi University of Education)

                               (1)Technology Education in Japanese Junior High School

                                    Hiroyuki MURAMATSU(Professor of Shinshu University)

                               (2)International exchange through Technology Education at Doshisha Junior High School

                                    Kazuya NUMATA(Vice principal of Doshisha Junior High School)

                               (3)Practice report using the wire-frame based 3D-CAD in Junior High School Technology Education

                                    Jun KAWAMATA(Teacher of Takezono-Higashi Junior High School)

                               (4)Technology Educational System and Educational Practices in Japanese High School

                                    Kazuo KADOTA(Associate professor of Miyagi University of Education)



15:15 - 15:45     Coffee Break 

15:45 - 17:00     Educator / Researcher / Student Panel

                          Koga City 

                          Fukuoka Futaba School

                          The American Schoool in Japan


17:00 - 17:30     Special Speech #3 :

                         Combining online communication and in-person communication in the integration

                          of STEM education and distance learning through MOOCs

                          Hiroya Tanaka (Keio University)




★Optional Event : FAB DINNER PARTY 

Date: Dec 12th

Time : 19:00 - 21:00


Address : Taisei Bldg 2F 3-61 Aioicho Nakaku Yokohama 


December 13 [Sun]

9:30 - 10:00   Registration 

10:00 - 10:30     Conference Welcome & Introduction

                          Sherry Lassiter (Video)  

10:45 - 11:15     Special Speech #4 : Education changed by technology and what the future holds

                          Nobuyuki Hayashi (IT Journalist)

11:15 - 11:45     Special Speech #5 : Realizing the creation of a free culture

                          Dominick Chen (Director of NPO Common Sphere)

11:45 - 12:15     Special Speech #6  : Unlocking children's creativity through digital technology

                          Nanako Ishido

                          (Chairman for NPO CANVAS/ President of Digital Ehon Inc.Associate Professor, Keio University)

12:15 - 12:30     Open Education


12:30 - 13:15     LUNCH Bento Box is included with 2days & 1day Ticket

13:15 - 15:15     Workshops :  you can make a reservation if you want to join specific one

                          #1 Introduction to 3D Modeling - Fusion360 for Beginners  (Room No.4)

                          #2 Make your own circut board / SRM-20 (Room No.9)

                          #3 Building Robots for Beginners: FabBot (Rooom No.5)

                          #4 FAB WALKER - Let's Start Tinkering (Room No.9)

                          #5 fabble : How to Share the workshops  (Room No.7)

                          #6 Convert Ideas into Reality with Scratch and Makey Makey (Room No.1)

                          #7 If high school girls could get into making with Techonogly (Room No.1)

                          #8 Teaching basic electronics and 3D design with simple classroom projects by The American School in Japan 

                          #9 Presentation (Room No. 6) on going session

                          AmerAsian School 

                          Kyushu University 

                          Miyagi University / FabLab Sendai (FLAT)

                          Kanagawa University 

                          Researcher : Architecture 

                          Researcher : Body 



15:15 - 15:45     Coffee Break 

15:45 - 17:00     Educator / Researcher / Student Panel

                          Hiroo Gakuen  

                          New Taipei Municipal Zhonghe Senior High School 


17:00 - 17:30     Closing Session 

                          Paulo Blikstein, Hiroya Tanaka, and more

                          Moderator : Kei Wakabayashi (EDITOR-IN-CHIEF, WIRED JAPAN)



*The program information is subject to change without notice.


Sherry Lassiter ​ (President of Fab Foundation)

Sherry Lassiter is one of the architects of the MIT global Fab Lab program. As President of the Fab Foundation Lassiter works at the intellectual boundary where transfer of enabling, empowering, technical knowledge allows an idea to come into physical being–where bits become atoms.



Paulo Blikstein (Stanford University)

Paulo Blikstein is an assistant professor at the Graduate School of Education and (by courtesy) the Computer Science Department, where he directs the Transformative Learning Technologies Lab. Blikstein's research focuses on how new technologies can deeply transform the learning of science, engineering, and mathematics.



Manabu Tago ​ (Art Director and Designer / MTDO inc.) 

Manabu Tago was previously engaged in the design development of various home electrical appliance and information technology devices at Toshiba Design Center Corporation. Following a career at Toshiba, Tago launched MTDO in 2008 with the aim of opening brand new areas for development. As a theorist, Tago teaches at Keio University and Hosei University.



Dominick Chen ​(co­Founder and Chief Director @ Dividual)

Chen is the Public Lead of NPO Creative Commons Japan [2006]. Chen was nominated to the International Advisory Board of Ars Electronica 2007 and 2008 in the Digital Community category. Chen has written about media theories and the philosophy of plasticity in various magazines. Since 2004, he has directed NTT ICC's open video archive HIVE, and has been actively involved in the Creative Commons movement.



Nanako Ishido  ​ (​Founder child education NPO: CANVAS​)

Nanako Ishido is a visiting scholar at MIT’s Media Lab and a project coordinator at the Stanford­Japan center. An exhibition titled “Workshop Collection” that showcased her child­oriented teaching methodology drew a crowd of over 100,000 people in just two days. She will give a talk on her motivation for driving large­scale change in education, a traditionally slow­moving facet of Japanese society.



Yuta Komori ​(Life is Tech, Inc.)

Yuta Komori works to expand IT education for middle and high school students through the program: "Life is Tech!". The program also supports student entrepreneurship through: "Life is Tech! STARS ★". Komori also established the "CA Tech Kids", a company designed to expand education about programming for elementary school children in collaboration with CyberAgent, Inc.



Hiroya Tanaka (Keio University​)

Professor Tanaka is a founder of FabLab Japan and FabLab Kamakura and has mentored most of Japan’s budding FabLabs. Tanaka has a BA in Integrated Human Studies from Kyoto University (1998), an MA in Human Environmental Studies, Kyoto University (2000), and a Ph.D in Engineering at University of Tokyo (2003). Tanaka was a Visiting Researcher at MIT (2010).




*This information is subject to change without notice.



2D Design

3D Design

Basic Robotics




and more

※Please Bring Your laptop if you want to take  Tutorial Sessions.














and more




*This information is subject to change without notice.

*more information coming up soon


Hosted by

Keio University Social Fabrication Lab

Co-hosted by 

Collaborated by